Ladder partnered with the Latrobe Valley Authority, Interact Australia and Westvic Staffing Solutions to host Youth Jobs Connect. The expo was focused on hospitality and tourism and brought together local service providers and businesses to support young people to become job ready in the Latrobe Valley. The event was kindly hosted at Latrobe Youth Space. 

The day involved listening to guest speakers share about their employment journeys, the opportunity to have their CVs reviewed, participating in virtual reality (VR) simulated job interviews, speaking to potential local employers, and viewing current job vacancies. 

I learned the importance of volunteering for jobs, getting new experiences and more things put on your resume. – Noah, Ladder Alumni program member

Ladder young people were inspired after listening to peers in their community speak about pursuing their careers and providing valuable tips and important steps to get there.

I learned that anything is possible. That as long as you can think it, imagine it. Just go for your dreams. – Brodie, Ladder Alumni program member

It was great to see the Latrobe Valley community come together to inspire and support over 40 young people to become confident and equipped with the knowledge and skills to gain employment. The event also provided a better understanding of the young people’s needs and how the Latrobe Valley community can best support them in their employment pathways.

This event complemented the education, employment and training support we currently provide our Ladder participants through our Step Up and Augmented Reconnect programs in Gippsland.  

I was able to find opportunities and places for work that I’m actually passionate about. – Denae, Ladder Alumni program member

A big thank you to all the service providers who were involved in such a successful event.